For us, MAKHANA is a tradition

Our farmers in Bihar are soaked in tradition of growing Makhana and it has been part of our rituals. Our farmers grow with complete devotion and they put all their efforts in keeping the entire process pure, sacred and natural

Legacy of 200 years

Makhana has become Global Superfood in past 2 years, but our farmers and their forefathers have been growing Makhana for more then 200 years.

What we realised

Born and brought up in a small village of BIHAR, I have been a part of this tradition from my childhood. Makhana grown through these traditional methods are free of chemicals and have very high nutritional value. The current supply chain is filled with middlemen, which reduces its quality till it reaches to our consumers, retailers or distributors.

Our Vision

We are taking the hard way but the right way. We are reviving the old and traditional methods of growing Makhana. We aim to provide World's finest and nutritious Makhana grown through these traditional methods and procuring it directly from farmers without involving any middlemen. The freshness and nutritional value is kept intact by packing it fresh at origin and delivering on time

Manish Kumar Agarwal